Sunday 13 February 2011

The Race

This is my little video of ‘Hellrunner’ the sponsored run I took part in yesterday for ‘Project Pig’.   The footage is basically from the start and finish of the race, as it wasn’t easy for spectators to get to most of the route.  It has to be said after the first few miles of punishing relentless hills I did ask myself what part of the word Hellrunner I failed to understand!  The course basically consisted of 11 miles of running through mud, up and down hills, through forests,  rivers and sand.  There were a few water features that were quite honestly refreshing after wading through the mud. I nearly lost one of my trainers in the infamous ‘Bog of Doom’, the smell of which made me question if the local animals had used it as a toilet;o)  But it was a really rewarding and fun experience in many ways, and I was so happy when I crossed the finish line.  I think for next time Il have a few less beers in my diet, a few less pounds to carry and a lot more training;oD


  1. Great video Sam ... many congratulations on finishing the course ... I think the course would have finished me!!

  2. Better you than me, Sam! But great that you persevered! Congratulations.

  3. Hi Sam,

    My daughter have a blog for animals too

    Do visit and comment

    My photo-blog is at

    Thanks !

  4. Thanks for your visit Hornbill

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